A Passion for Gazing into Infinity.

Hi, I’m Chip. I began my foray into astrophotography and astronomy in general way back in Nov 2023 (ha!). 😛 I’m surprised it took me this long, as I’ve been a pretty big fan of Science Fiction all my life. An avid Star Wars collector, costumer, and builder over the years; I see this as a switch between fiction into reality. I even sold my Star Wars collection to fund this new hobby.

Astrophotography, I’m finding, is a hobby that has a pretty big barrier to entry, not only in the simple cost of equipment and software, but also in time and knowledge. If you wish to advance, it’s a commitment to learning…about the sky, the use of equipment and the processing of images to get something satisfying that is worthy of sharing. I had no idea. And if you know me, you know that I tend to jump in with both feet (ask my wife).

Acquiring the knowledge and skills to master this hobby can take years and can be as complex as the most difficult college courses. But the satisfaction of having lots and lots of “AHA” moments, the goosebump moments of seeing nebulae for the first time with your own human eyes–there are few things like it in my experience and it makes it all worth it!

I should also note here, the community of fellow space travelers is also amazing! Their willingness to help those new to this endeavor has been superb. I hope someday to join the ranks of those who can share wisdom gleaned from failing over and over. Those moments when I’ve thought, “I have absolutely no idea what to do here.” (It happens more often than not).

My goal with this site is to not only share images of the wonders found beyond our planet, but also to post observations about “doing” astrophotography, from the perspective of a complete neophyte.